
SUPREME paper published in NAR GAB

July 26, 2023

Our paper, SUPREME is now published at NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. We propose an architecture to learn node embeddings from multi-layered networks for node classification. Congratulations Ziynet!

Bozdag lab members received BioDiscovery Institute Summer RA Fellowship

May 15, 2023

Congratulations to Most Tahmina Rahman, Suman Pandey and Mohammad Al Olaimat who received 2023 BioDiscovery Institute Summer RA Fellowship!

Dr. Bozdad received Distinguished Faculty Fellow Award

May 5, 2023

Dr. Bozdag received the Distinguished Faculty Fellow Award from the College of Engineering.

Paper accepted at ISMB/ECCB 2023

April 30, 2023

Our recent work on early prediction of Alzheimer's disease using longitudinal clinical data has been accepted to ISMB/ECCB 2023. Congratulations to Mohammad Al Olaimat and Jared Martinez!

Dr. Bozdag will serve as Proceedings Chair of ACM BCB 2023

April 18, 2023

Ziynet passed her dissertation defense

March 31, 2023

Congrats to Ziynet Nesibe Kesimoglu who successfully defended her PhD dissertation.

Dr. Bozdag will serve PC member for ISMB/ECCB 2023

January 8, 2023

Dr. Bozdag will serve PC member for KDD 2023

January 8, 2023

Dr. Bozdag co-organizes HiCOMB 2023

January 8, 2023

Dr. Bozdag co-organizes 22nd IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB) 2023, which will be held in St. Petersburg, Florida,  USA on May 15, 2023 in conjunction with the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium.

Dr. Bozdag co-organizes HPC-BOD 2022

November 14, 2022

Dr. Bozdag and Dr. Fahad Saeed co-organize the 4th International Workshop on High Performance Computing, Big Data Analytics and Integration for Multi-Omics Biomedical Data in conjunction with BIBM 2022 in Las Vegas, NV on December 6. More details are at the workshop website at

We received an NIH supplement grant

September 19, 2022

We are excited to receive an NIH supplement grant to analyze All of Us Research Program database. Our group will develop graph representation learning methods to analyze multi-modal datasets available on All of Us Research Program database and other database to predict disease diagnosis. Congrats to the whole team for their amazing work!

Our team was awarded a 5-year $1.8 million NIH grant

August 1, 2019

Our team was awarded a 5-year $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for our precision medicine research. Congrats to the whole team for their amazing work!

We’re currently hiring students and post-docs at all levels. Check here for more info!

Click here for the news coverage on our grant.

Abbie Papka was one of the four recipients of the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences 2019 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship. Congrats Abbie!

May 9, 2019

Abbie Papka, a Bioinformatics major, was one of the four recipients of the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences 2019 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship. Through this support, during Summer 2019, Abbie will work in Dr. Bozdag’s lab on a bioinformatics research project, which aims to integrate cancer biological datasets to predict patient-specific drug response for cancer patients.

Ziynet Nesibe Kesimoglu is one of the recipients of Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute Summer 2019 Research Fellowships and 2019 Computational Sciences Summer Research Fellowship. Congrats Ziynet!

May 2, 2019

Through this support, during Summer 2019, Ziynet will work on a bioinformatics research project, which aims to develop an integrative computational tool to infer genome-wide cancer-associated gene regulatory interactions.